Saturday, January 17, 2009

where can i buy japanese high school uniforms in australia

where can i buy japanese high school uniforms in australia...?
hey... in about 4 weeks time i need to wear some japanese clothing for our showcase day at school.. do you know where i can buy any appropriate japanese high school uniforms in australia, preferably online... or does anyone know how to make them.. not sure if i made myself clear.. but can you help me... thanks
Fashion & Accessories - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
online! i don't know much stores. butttt there's always :]
2 :
Im sorry i cant find any stores in Australia via Google, internet stores are great i saw some links if you would like them here they are Its great for what your looking for Hope i could help!
3 :
you can buy japanese high school uniforms from sex shops because alot of couples use them for roleplaying. Giggidy
4 :
would recommend for japanese clothing & perhaps uniforms.