Hey, I am an Australian, completed all my schooling in Australia, I see alot of sitcoms about your two countries and wondering, why since you both were also ex-british colonies, that you don't have uniforms like both Australia and New Zealand do? what was the story behind being able not to wear them? please explain? I was talking about the government/public ones, obviously the private ones.
Other - Canada - 8 Answers
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1 :
Parents voted against it. However, uniforms are making a comeback. In Canada, it has absolutely nothing to do with being a British colony or not. It was whether the school wanted them or not.
2 :
the parents voted against it. it is cheaper to wear your regular clothes than a prescribed unform. being a british thing will be the biggest reason why canadians or anericans will not want it. believe it or not, canadians try to be different from the brits as much as they can.
3 :
I grew up in a city of 165000 people and we had 8 high schools and 1 catholic high school. Only the catholic high school had uniforms (gray pants/skirts, white shirts/blouses, maroon sweaters with a small monogram). It was no big deal. If you went there you wore the uniform, if you went to a public high school you wore what you wanted.
4 :
Well ya, as you know, some of them do... like private boarding ones, etc. I think it's just.. never really been a big thing here. I'm from Alberta, Canada. Back in the day I know they made kids wear uniforms (like 1900's - 1930's). But after that it just seemed to stop. I'm sure somewhere along the line there was a vote. I can't really answer for the US or other Canadian provinces though.
5 :
Like the previous posts said, it depends of the province/state. In Quebec, every school decides if their students have to wear a uniform or not. We used to all have uniforms when the catholic church was in charge of education (before 1960s) but it slowly disappeared. In the last 5-10 years, some public schools started to bring back the uniforms because they realised it could reduce violence (showing whitch gang/trend they belong) and intimidation (rich with nice clothes vs poor). I'm not sure about that but in Canada, it might also have something to do with the Canadian charter of rights and freedom. I in the 80s, 90s schools were scared about being sued beacuse they wouldn't let people wear whatever they want, but since there's been a judgement saying it's leagal for a schools/employers to impose a uniform as long as it's reasonable, it's getting more popular.
6 :
I have no idea about what they do in the usa, some schools in Canada wear uniforms and some don't
7 :
Catholic schools usually have uniforms... public school don't generally but they made have a dress code ie. no hats, no belly buttons showing, finger tip skirt/short length, no gang colour etc.
8 :
most public schools dont provide uniforms because its either not in the budget or theyre just not needed, you can wear pretty much anything to most public schools but some schools have dress codes such as no tank tops, no hats and stuff like that
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