Monday, May 9, 2011

What Languages Do Kids In Australia Learn In School

What Languages Do Kids In Australia Learn In School?
In School What They Learn
Other - Australia - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
the schools i went to the languages we had were italian, german, and in high school we could choose from german, greek or japanese. i'm not sure but i think german's the most common language to learn in school
2 :
Depends entirely on the school. My son's school in Perth teaches Indonesian and Japanese.
3 :
Different schools teach different things, but the main ones are: German Indonesian Chinese Japanese Spanish French and sometimes Italian. Schools focus mostly on the Asian languages because Australia does a lot of business with Asia. There are also some bi-lingual schools, mostly French. There are some Islamic schools that are also bi-lingual. Those are the main ones. However, we don't teach them to any great depth. Most kids don't remember much more than the numbers and how to say their name if they're not serious, which is a shame.
4 :
You can learn almost anything. Previous posters have pretty covered the basics in general High School. Outside of normal school hours you can learn almost any language you like, including Latin. Run independently but with the assistance of the Department of Education, Employment and Training (and their state counterparts) are Saturday language schools. These are usually run by local accredited speakers of the language and are assessable. I'm not sure if they count toward your final year marks, but the life benefit outweighs any academic merit. For example my brother started to learn Serbian at Saturday school, which was not offered in the mainstream curriculum.
5 :
My five children are in primary school and they are learn French.
6 :
If you look at what languages students do in the HSC in NSW - of the top 5 only one (French at number 4) is European. The rest are all Asian languages.
7 :
English predominantly. The second language options vary from school to school. Personally, when I was in school I was taught Indonesian and Japanese. Most schools either have these subjects, or French or German.
8 :
Touchy subject with me... when I went to High School.... in a rural area... we WANTED to learn languages... but our STUPID ANNAL HEADMASTER insisted that "farmer's children do not NEED to know a second language"... and so it was not in our curriculum... But as others have pointed out... many languages are taught in australian schools these days.
9 :
We got taught Japanese at my school
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